Scoil Áine Naofa
Loch Cútra
Lough Cutra National School
Welcome to Scoil Aine Naofa, Loch Cutra, website.
Scoil Aine Naofa is a Catholic co-educational school catering for children from Junior Infants to Sixth Class.
It is situated in the parish of Beagh, approximately 6km South of Gort, Co,Galway. There has been a school on this site since the 1860’s and many distinguished teachers have graced its corridors since, most notably, perhaps Michael Cusack, founding father of the GAA. Michael was appointed the first Headmaster of Lough Cutra by Lord Gough when he was merely 20 years old.
There have been many improvements to the school over the years the latest of which was the addition of an ASD unit in 2017. Mostly recently, the Department of Education and Skills has granted funding for the building of two 80sq metre classrooms with ensuite toilets and a new Special Education classroom. We're at the preplanning stage. In September 2023, we were granted planning permission for a new All Weather Pitch, which will be a wonderful addition to our school. We look forward to that.
We have a current enrolment of 91 pupils, with four mainstream teachers, two Special Education Teachers. We also have 4.5 SNAs and a secretary.
We endeavour to stimulate learning by offering a diverse range of activities both curricular and extra-curricular. Our aim is to create a friendly, inviting atmosphere with happy, well-adjusted pupils and highly- dedicated, motivated staff.
We are enrolling in Scoil Áine Naofa for our 2025-2026 infant class from October 1st.
Please contact the school if you wish to enrol your child!
Winter and Christmas Art
Some lovely Art brightening up the corridors of Lough Cútra NS for our return to school in January! Our lovely creative displays are just a sample of our winter and Christmas Art
Science week 2024:
3rd-6th class were very busy last week investigating the role of a scientist! See some great photos below of the activities in our classes!
-Design and make a boat from plasticine that can float and carry passengers (counters)
-Test the tearing strength of different types of paper
-Extract DNA from a banana
-Design and make a catapult
Brightening up our corridors:​
Here is a sample of some of our wonderful art brightening up the corridors of our school! We can't wait to get the Christmas art started!!!
Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal:
Thank you to all families who brought in a Christmas Shoebox for the Team Hope Annual Christmas Shoebox appeal. A special and well deserved gift for children who live in extreme poverty.
Cycle Right training course​
5th and 6th class are delighted to be participating in the cycling safely programme over the next 3 weeks. The 'CYCLE RIGHT' course is an important cycling training course that provides practical cycle safety and skills training to promote competent and confident cyclists, including signalling, helmet safety and key aspects of road safety. Thank you to Galway Co Co and An Taisce who fund part of the course.
A visit to the Pumpkin Patch!
Children from our ASD class were very lucky to enjoy a visit to the local Pumpkin Patch yesterday. They were very excited about their trip and got to bring home their own pumpkin to mark the occasion! Thank you to Ms Diviney and SNAs Ailish and Catherine for this wonderful experience.
Halloween Art
Making our school scary
A trip to Baboró:
4th class had a great trip to see a production of 'Grace' as part of the Baboró International Arts Festival for children. Infants and 5th and 6th class also look forward to experiencing their own workshops including 'Kish Kush' and 'The Pale Baron'. Something different for the calendar!!
Jersey Day for GOAL!
Well done to all our classes for participating in our jersey day for the charity GOAL last Friday. This worthwhile charity raises much needed humanitarian funds to help some of the world’s most vulnerable communities move from extreme crisis to safer areas, often providing much needed food, water and shelter.
The school raised 260 euro. Thank you for your support .