Scoil Áine Naofa
Loch Cútra
Lough Cutra National School

Bike Week, September 2020
We took part in National Bike week from the 21st -25thSeptember. A lot of pupils cycled to school and cycled around home. The pupils learned all about bike safety.We received funding for Bike week and the pupils all received their own personalised water bottles. An enjoyable week was had by all.

Science and Maths Awards 2020
Over the school year 2019-2020 and early this year the children of Lough Cutra took part in the Discover Primary Science and Maths Award. To achieve this award the children had to complete hands-on science activities covering al strands in the Primary Science Curriculum (Living Things, Materials, Energy and Forces and Environmental Awareness and Care). They also needed to engage in activities involving technology, engineering and maths. The children worked very hard both at school and at home during the period of remote learning and they fulfilled all the requirements! They achieved a lovely plaque for the school and a certificate for themselves! Well done to all the children!

Cycle Training 2021
Well done to the boys and girls in 5th and 6th class who recently completed the ‘Cycle Right’ training programme. The children gained valuable knowledge and excellent coaching on how to cycle safely on our roads. All the skills were developed and put into practice. We would like to thank the team at ‘Cycle Right’ for the brilliant advice and guidance. Hopefully we will see more pupils taking this preferred mode of transport in the years ahead!
Benefits of cycling include:
Cycling is a great form of exercise
It is a very cheap method of transport and an ideal way to travel between 3-7 km.
Cycling is a great way to combat the traffic congestion which is a growing issue.
Cycling benefits the environment hugely, eliminating emissions and creating a very positive carbon footprint.
Cycling is proven to be really good for both our physical and mental health.
Cycling is fun and can be enjoyed by all the family – together.