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Welcome Note 2019

As we embark on another school year, we wish to welcome Mrs. Lorraine Power as the new permanent Principal and Ms. Aisling Naughton , Special Needs’ Assistant to the staff of Scoil Áine Naofa. We hope they will be very happy in their new posts and that they find the positions fulfilling and rewarding.

We also wish the retired principal, Mr. Joe Killeen every good wish for the future.

This year, we were delighted to welcome twenty-two new pupils to the Junior Infant class. They seem to be settling in very well to ‘big school’.

 We extend a warm welcome to you all and hope the year will be filled with exciting and stimulating learning in an environment that is positive and caring.

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The 2018/2019 president of the INTO  was Joe Killeen, principal of Lough Cutra National School.

Joe is from Corofin, Co.Clare and began his teaching career at Kiltrusten  NS, Strokestown , Co. Roscommon. Since 1987, he has been principal of Scoil Aine Naofa.

In addition to his work in the INTO, Joe has been actively involved in a range of community, rural, cultural and sporting organisations.

As his year as president came to a close, (this year, Congress was held in Galway), and never one to let the grass grow under his feet, Joe now turns his attention to local politics. He has been elected to represent Fianna Fail in North Clare. We wish him every success in this venture.

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Green Flag We were thrilled to receive our first Green Flag in 2013. We worked very hard over a two year period to improve on waste management and recycling. We now have a cleaner, greener school. We are looking forward to working towards our second green flag which involves the conservation of water. Keep an eye on our website for more details and updates. 

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A massive congratulations to Michael Cusack's U13 team on their victory in the Brendan Linnane Cup! Well done to all our past and present pupils.  


Have a great summer. See you all back on Thursday 29th August!!

Winter and Christmas Art


Some lovely Art brightening up the corridors of Lough Cútra NS for our return to school in January! Our lovely creative displays are just a sample of our winter and Christmas Art

Cycle Right training course​

5th and 6th class are delighted to be participating in the cycling safely programme over the next 3 weeks. The 'CYCLE RIGHT' course is an important cycling training course that provides practical cycle safety and skills training to promote competent and confident cyclists, including signalling, helmet safety and key aspects of road safety. Thank you to  Galway Co Co and An Taisce who fund part of the course. 

Brightening up our corridors:​

Here is a sample of some of our wonderful art brightening up the corridors of our school! We can't wait to get the Christmas art started!!!

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Cycle Training 2021

Well done to the boys and girls in 5th and 6th class who recently completed the ‘Cycle Right’ training programme.  The children gained valuable knowledge and excellent coaching on how to cycle safely on our roads. All the skills were developed and put into practice. We would like to thank the team at ‘Cycle Right’ for the brilliant advice and guidance.  Hopefully we will see more pupils taking this preferred mode of transport in the years ahead!


Benefits of cycling include:


  • Cycling is a great form of exercise

  • It is a very cheap method of transport and an ideal way to travel between 3-7 km.

  • Cycling is a great way to combat the traffic congestion which is a growing issue.

  • Cycling benefits the environment hugely, eliminating emissions and creating a very positive carbon footprint.

  • Cycling is proven to be really good for both our physical and mental health.

  • Cycling is fun and can be enjoyed by all the family – together.

© 2018 by Scoil Aine Naofa, Loch Cutra, Gort, Co. Galway. Proudly created with

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